​​Waterford Baptist Church

Remember with cards and in prayer

Wesley Lewis, Sandra Hutchison, Betty Hutchison, Jack Hutchison Jr., Mahala Santmyer, Dewey Cowan, Debbie Dickerson, Byron Hardbower, Madeline Spinks, Chet Boden, Jackie Spears, Levi Virts, Ady Pearson, Anita Light, Amy Smith, Terry Atwell, Polly Payton, Austin Royce, Donnie James, Cecelia

Please remember our country in prayer and our men and
women serving in the military.

Please Contact Us if you or your loved one would like to be remembered in our prayers!

upcoming events​

March 30th - Business Meeting

April 13th - Palm Sunday

April 17th - Maundy Thursday

April 20th - Easter



Tree of Life food donations - Just 1 box or can a week would help them!

March 30th is the last day for Easter lily orders - $15 each

May 10th - Historic Waterford Trail Run - Road closures 8:30am - 11am

Please Contact Us with any important announcements that need to be shared with our church family.

Church is not something you go to. It's a family you belong to.